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This survey is sponsored by OREP – Serving Appraisers for over 20 years.

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by Irene Moore
Took the Bradford Technology webinar with 7 floor plan providers presenting their products. Displays showed scans of rooms taking 87 photos per room/scan. Someone reported each scan costs $34.00+ dollars per scan with their “trained” personnel. Specifically, Class Valuation (John Dingman) touted the scans report smells, sounds and can even get the dishwasher serial number…..all on the name of determining an effective age. I think this scan is infringing on “PRIVACY” and should have a disclosure relating to the infringement of the interior of your home is your castle!!!! There is a lot more to be focused on other that the appraisal product.
-by George C Hoez, Jr. Pa appraiser
I am glad to see most appraisers will not be doing the new reports. I am disappointed with the turn out from PA
-by Patrick Jones
Based on the results of this survey and the comments left, appraisers want nothing to do with the concept of hybrid or desktop appraisals. Just say no and these ridiculous products will go away. The purveyors of this travesty clearly do not understand appraisers or the appraisal industry. We will not be a party to their misguided efforts to lessen the appraisers critical role in the valuation process. Their attempts to turn over responsibilities to homeowners and agents with vested interests boggles the mind. Bless their hearts. Based on the survey, appraisers resoundingly responded with one loud Hell No!
-by Irene Moore
Took Bradford Technologies webinar for Desktop and Hybrid products with 7 vendors presenting their products using their “trained” personal scanning each room floor to ceiling taking 87 phots per scan Someone reported each scan would cost $34.00+ per scan. Class Valuations (presenter John Dingman) reported the scan records location of the scanner, sounds, movement, smells and can scan the serial number of the dishwasher with the door closed. Appraisers, We need to know how this addition to the appraisals product can enhance a more creditable report. Due to the invasive nature of the scan, it is appropriate to require a permission disclosure due to its nature of invasion pf privacy. A home inspection requires permission!!! (Name/email is attached)
-by Bill Finlay