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“We had a great response to the email blast. In fact, it started a wave of word of mouth spread that we’re barely able to keep up with!”  – Greg Laughlin,

“Working RE is one of the best sources of contemporary information available to appraisers.  I look forward to receiving it and digest it from cover to cover.  Most of the appraisers feel as I do, in that your work does us a great service and is sincerely appreciated.”  – Paul J. Caristi  SRPA  SRA, Member of Appraisal Institute

Working RE magazine – mails every four months to 50,000+ Appraisers.  Subscribe / Am I a subscriber?

Working RE Home Inspector magazine – mails every four months to 25,000+ Home Inspectors.  Subscribe / Am I a subscriber?

Working RE print has staying power! It is the only publication reaching all appraisers nationwide and provides the best return on investment for advertisers. There is no publication even close.

Working RE print remains as reference material for months, sometimes years on the desks of appraisers, inspectors and real estate agents; until the time they need and want your product. When they do, your ad in Working RE is there.

“I save your magazines and reference them when issues arise within the industry or my residential appraisal business. I find your publication to be very informative and worthy of archiving for future referencing.” -Edward Rossi, State Certified  Appraiser

Appraisers Digital – emailing to 50,000 appraisers three times a month including a new Editor’s Choice Edition.
Features stories such as Interview – Appraiser Who Brought Down Countrywide  (Opt-in)

Home Inspectors Digital – emailing to 25,000 home inspectors twice a month.

Features stories such as Expert Witness Subpoena: How Not to Work for Free  (Opt-in)

Now in its 23rd year of publication, award-winning Working RE Magazine is the largest circulation publication in the country for appraisers and home inspectors and the most respected too.

If you need immediate results, Working RE also reaches appraisers, home inspectors and agents and brokers via email.

Appraiser Print Magazine50,0003x Year
Home Inspector Print Magazine25,0003x Year
Appraiser’s Digital50,0003x/month
Home Inspector’s Digital25,0002x/month

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Editor Kendra Budd: 

OREP/Working RE Magazine

6353 El Cajon Blvd, Suite 124-605
San Diego, CA 92115

Hours: M-F, 5am-5pm PST
(888) 347-5273 (toll free) 
Fax: (708) 570-5786

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