FHA eBook and Checklist

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“Excellent material – will help me get to the next level – well worth the money! Thanks.” – J Joslin FHA Appraiser Inspection Checklist eBook by Lore DeAstra, MBA, MRICS, SRA, CDEI This popular guide, used successfully by thousands of appraisers includes information on FHA appraising, with explanations, pictures, hot tips, and links. Author Lore DeAstra,… Read More

Decrease Time and Liability During the FHA Loan Process

Decrease Time and Liability during the FHA Loan Process By Lore DeAstra, MBA, SRA, CDEI, CTM Over the past year, the United States has encountered one of the most volatile housing markets in history. After the collapse of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 2008, the Federal Housing Administration (FHA)[1] has insured more than 25 percent...… Read More