Home Inspector Insurance – Liability

Inspecting Your E&O Insurance

Home Inspectors: Inspecting Your E&O Insurance by David Brauner, Senior Broker, OREP Here’s a riddle that more and more inspectors are solving easily: how do you obtain errors and omissions insurance (E&O) and General Liability Insurance from an “A” Rated, Admitted carrier including an Additional Insured Endorsement for Agents and other Referring Parties, Termite and… Read More

Cutting Expenses as Business Slows

Editor’s Note: This story shows how to avoid inadvertently losing your E&O insurance coverage for past work and being left unprotected, should a claim arise; the consequences to your business and personal life could be disastrous. Cutting Expenses as Business Slows Why Canceling Your E&O Can Really Cost You! by David Brauner, Editor   As… Read More

Moisture & Mold: Steering Clear of Liability

The presence of mold is a contentious issue for building owners, builders, insurance companies, real estate agents and others. Mold addendums to sales contracts are now offered by many real estate boards for use by their members in sales transactions. As a professional appraiser or inspector you need to understand mold and all its… Read More

Loss Prevention Checklist

Risk Management Loss Prevention Checklist The following steps have proven effective at avoiding complaints and lowering the liability of home inspectors. Two points emerge: First, according to risk management experts, loss prevention is as much about communication as it is about understanding the systems of a building. They stress that expert knowledge is vital but… Read More

Risk Management: Strategies for Avoiding Complaints

Risk Management Strategies for Avoiding Complaints By Alan Carson Good home inspectors don’t get complaints. We thought we might catch your attention with that opening sentence! Actually, we believe that all home inspectors get complaints eventually. Why? There are several reasons but part of the answer may lie in our definition of a home inspection,...… Read More