Home Inspectors

20 Reasons to do Business with You!

20 Reasons to do Business with You! Editor’s Note: The following was written by a home inspector in response to a client’s question about why they should do business with them. How do you measure up? 1. We answer our phone during the day. 2. We work weekends by appointment for your convenience. 3. We call… Read More

Investigating Forensic Inspecting

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Home Inspectors

Investigating Forensic Inspecting According to inspector Joey Caballero, the best thing about “forensic inspecting” is the challenge. “It’s not like a typical report. These cases make you concentrate more and work harder. They make you a better inspector.” Caballero, inspecting 12 years, has handled 15-20 cases over the years where he’s been called in to… Read More

Business Dos & Don’ts

Business Dos & Don’ts In an online chat room recently, a struggling new inspector asked advice from the seasoned pros: “What are the three best and worst things you did to get your business started?” Here’s how a few answered. Best Went to ASHI/CREIA chapter meetings. It’s a great way to meet other inspectors and… Read More