Home Inspectors

Loss Prevention Checklist

Risk Management Loss Prevention Checklist The following steps have proven effective at avoiding complaints and lowering the liability of home inspectors. Two points emerge: First, according to risk management experts, loss prevention is as much about communication as it is about understanding the systems of a building. They stress that expert knowledge is vital but… Read More

Expert Witness Testimony: Advice from the Bench

Expert Witness Testimony: Advice from the Bench State court Judge Caroline Baker has heard just about every type of civil case from contract disputes to medical malpractice. What impresses her most about the multitudes of expert witnesses that pass through her courtroom? Experts who make themselves available to testify at trial. The judge says live… Read More

Risk Management: Strategies for Avoiding Complaints

Risk Management Strategies for Avoiding Complaints By Alan Carson Good home inspectors don’t get complaints. We thought we might catch your attention with that opening sentence! Actually, we believe that all home inspectors get complaints eventually. Why? There are several reasons but part of the answer may lie in our definition of a home inspection,...… Read More

Spring Cleaning: A Business Refresher

Editor’s Note: Even in these go-go times it pays to keep on eye on the bottom line. Noted author and long-time appraiser Lloyd Manning takes it down a notch to revisit some business basics. Spring Cleaning: A Business Refresher Lloyd R. Manning To run a successful appraisal or home inspection practice you must do several...… Read More