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GAO Wrangling

In the wake of the GAO study, stake holders, including several appraisal organizations, have submitted comments to Congress. A joint letter from American Society of Appraisers, American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, Appraisal Institute and National Association of Realtors writes: “With a patchwork of state laws and ineffective federal oversight allowing for only… Read More

Appraisers: Doing the Bump

Appraisers: Doing the Bump “Bump Logic” and Why It’s in Your Future This is why you may be doing the “bump” in the near future, even if you don’t dance. “Bump Logic,” as explained at the recent Predictive Methods Conference (hosted by Veros Software), is the process of selecting the appropriate valuation method for a...… Read More

Risk Management: Strategies for Avoiding Complaints

Risk Management Strategies for Avoiding Complaints By Alan Carson Good home inspectors don’t get complaints. We thought we might catch your attention with that opening sentence! Actually, we believe that all home inspectors get complaints eventually. Why? There are several reasons but part of the answer may lie in our definition of a home inspection,...… Read More

Spring Cleaning: A Business Refresher

Editor’s Note: Even in these go-go times it pays to keep on eye on the bottom line. Noted author and long-time appraiser Lloyd Manning takes it down a notch to revisit some business basics. Spring Cleaning: A Business Refresher Lloyd R. Manning To run a successful appraisal or home inspection practice you must do several...… Read More

Appraisers and Mold – Responsibility, Competency and Liability

Appraisers and Mold – Responsibility, Competency and Liability By Doug Smith, IFAS The mold issue is a developing story and one that is gaining momentum everyday. When it comes to mold, there are three important areas appraisers need to consider. First, due to the dangerous nature of some molds, appraisers must take their responsibilities seriously...… Read More