“Low Bid” Appraisal Ordering and Its Effect on Quality
by Isaac Peck, Associate Editor
Any appraiser who has worked with Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs) is likely familiar with the “order by email-blast” system that some AMCs rely on to fill orders.
The process goes like this: an AMC sends an email blast to all appraisers within a…
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by Philip G. Spool, ASA
My previous two articles were about estimating physical depreciation and functional obsolescence. In my article on functional obsolescence, I indicated that it is very complicated to understand and to estimate. I also discussed calculating functional obsolescence in the cost and sales comparison approaches. This article discusses…
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by David Brauner, Editor
We hear a lot of appraisers complain that illegal influence continues today despite new federal and state regulations designed to remove it from the process. This survey hopes to shine light on what some of you are experiencing. The results are mixed.
Over 1,000 appraisers participated in the survey;…
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Real Estate Appraiser Insurance OREP Insurance Services is a leading provider of Appraisers Errors & Omissions Insurance for real estate appraisers. In addition to the lowest rates and broadest coverage, that is customized for real estate appraisers to fit their individual appraising needs, OREP provides timely information to help appraisers limit their liability and increase…
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A recent lawsuit filed against Stearns Lending and its AMC, Trimavin, by the AMC’s former Chief Appraiser, Katherine A. Scheri, alleges that many of the practices that led to the extensive regulation of the appraisal industry are alive and well at one AMC/lender at least.
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Industry News Scope Creep Relief Here is Addendum Language shared by appraiser Laurie Richards. MODIFICATIONS TO A SUBMITTED ORIGINAL REPORT: The client or lender must submit in writing (e-mail is preferred) any request for additional information or modification to the appraiser. This information will be retained in the appraiser’s workfile. The appraiser recognizes that…
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Readers Respond Interview: Appraiser Who Brought Down Countrywide Thank you, Mr. Lagow, for having the courage to speak up to help society. Your efforts were NOT in vain. Although mortgage work is tempting and easy at times, these type of situations force us (appraisers) to look at who we are and what is important.…
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Like being in the middle of a paintball free-for-all, messy things are coming at appraisers from all sides these days. In addition to lenders trying to pin buybacks on the backs of appraisers (while seeming to ignore the wild-west underwriting practices that floated the bubble), State Boards also are bringing complaints against appraisers in…
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Editor’s Note: At OREP, we see that incorrect measurements are the cause of many E&O claims. Here are some tips on staying out of trouble. How to Report Building Areas Accurately (and avoid measurement mistakes) by Mark S. Langhamer As appraisers and review appraisers, some of us have seen fellow appraisers relying on building area...…
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Alternately, you can envision this hard time as an opportunity to position yourself with a slightly modified appraisal practice in the near future.
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