Real Estate Appraisers

Who Owns Data?

Who Owns the Data? By David Brauner, Editor Here’s a riddle: what do the following have in common: copyrighting appraisals, the Intended User/Intended Use provision in USPAP, Item 21 on the Fannie Mae form, data mining and the FNC lawsuit, automated appraisals (AMVs), and perhaps, the future of appraising? Apparently, they have everything in common....… Read More

Fannie’s New Forms: Something to Talk About

Fannie’s New Forms: Something To Talk About The latest version of the new Fannie Forms are set to go into use soon. These forms for appraising single-family residential and small income-producing properties have some very disturbing and questionable requirements within the certification pages. One of the biggest concerns for appraisers is items #21. If you… Read More

Are AVMs Appraisals?

Editor’s Note: In our cover story last issue, “AVM Tango! Man or Machine?” we reported that as a result of our AVM questions, Appraisal Standards Board (ASB) Chair Greg Accetta indicated further clarification would be forthcoming. Here is a statement issued by the Appraisal Foundation in June 2007 ( Are AVMs Appraisals? Appraisal Standards Board...… Read More

Risks of Changing Intended User Statements

Editor’s Note: Here is a question (and answer), concerning the proper intended user statement when the form and intended use conflict with one another. Scope of Work: Q&A by David Braun, MAI, SRA Risks of Changing Intended User Statements (Question from Howard Goheen, Phoenix Appraisal Service) “Dear David (Braun)…We’ve worked hard to get up to...… Read More

Appraisers Fighting Back!

Appraisers Fighting Back! by David Brauner, Editor The good news this issue is that there is plenty of good news to report on issues important to appraisers: curtailing mortgage fraud, limiting broker price opinions, putting the breaks on data mining of appraisal reports, understanding and combating blacklisting, supporting appraiser independence. The common theme is that… Read More