Real Estate Appraisers

Cost Approach: Why Sidestepping it Can be Costly

Cost Approach Why Sidestepping it Can be Costly By Gretchen Gary and Richard Vishanoff “I don’t like using the cost approach. It’s too time consuming. Market-based appraisals are always more reliable. Besides, I’m not required to include the cost approach in my appraisals. It’s not relevant anymore.” Sound familiar? If you’re skipping the cost approach,...… Read More

“Comp” Checks: Turning Requests into Orders

“Comp” Checks: Turning Requests into Orders “Please check the comps first and call me immediately if the value is not there.” Sound familiar? Or the mortgage broker who calls from parts unknown asking: “Do you check comps first? I don’t want my borrower to pay for an appraisal they can’t use.”  Just as lender pressure...… Read More

Changing Fortunes: Appraising to Consulting

Editor’s Note: According to Don B. Swenson, MAI, changing your fortunes as an appraiser – moving from “form-filler” to consultant- if this is your goal, requires an expanded concept of appraising that looks beyond market value as being the solution to every problem. Those who manage to make the leap from appraising to consulting are...… Read More

Raising the Scope: New Role of Scope of Work

Raising the Scope: New Role of Scope-of-Work By Sean Heath Ah, the law of unintended consequences. As defined, it means that the actions of people—especially governments—always have effects that are unanticipated or unintended. The Appraisal Standards Board (ASB), through their annual edits and amendments, has tried to make the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice...… Read More