Real Estate Appraisers

How to Increase Residential Appraisal Income

I decided to make the switch from appraising commercial properties back to residential properties in early 2008. To many this is appraisal suicide. However, the reason is simple- my wife became a state-registered trainee a few years ago, is serious about becoming Certified and needed my mentoring. Since her knowledge of commercial appraising is limited,… Read More

Altered Appraisal Reports

Now you see it, now you don’t: that’s what appraisers are saying about data that is disappearing or changing after a report leaves their desktop. Here’s what is happening and why, according to appraisers, vendors and other industry insiders. A certified appraiser, who wishes to remain anonymous fearing blacklisting, recently contacted her errors and omissions insurance… Read More

Green Appraising

The good news for appraisers is that while you weather the current economy you can position yourself to be a highly qualified and credentialed “green” appraiser without significant capital or time expenditures. The result is a competitive advantage, compliance with USPAP’s Competency Rule and new sources of work. Many of you remember the excesses that characterized… Read More

Setting Fees: How Much are You Worth?

May, 2009 - This article, first published in 2007, seems more important today than ever. In my opinion, artificially low appraisal fees are the number one threat to the appraisal industry today. The HVCC has ushered in additional concerns about fees in our industry. Oddly, most of the blame for low fees lies with appraisers,… Read More

Liability Landmines – Appraisers Beware

Editor’s Note: In this installment of Valuation Issues and Answers, John Lifflander, ASA discusses how to avoid problems in the new world of bailouts, tax credits and, as he points out, business as usual. Liability Landmines– Appraisers Beware By John Lifflander, ASA The current economic crisis was largely precipitated by loose credit and loose lending...… Read More

Appraising for Non-Lenders

In order to continue in this profession with a decent income, residential appraisers have to begin looking for additional clients outside of the lending industry. Non-lending clients are attorneys, accountants, agents, homeowners and insurance companies (for insurable value), among others. Attorneys need appraisals for marital assets for divorces; accountants need appraisals for estate purposes (retrospective market… Read More

Thinking Outside the Check Box

Editor’s Note: Appraiser Bryan Reynolds shows you one way to stand out from the pack in the minds of your clients: by sharpening your professional skills and thinking outside the checkbox. Thinking Outside the Check Box by Bryan S. Reynolds, AQB Certified USPAP Instructor Appraisers have had blinders on for way too long. It is time...… Read More