Real Estate Appraisers

Decoding Customary and Reasonable Fees

Congress, recognizing that quality reports are dependent on paying appraisers “fairly,” wrote a customary and reasonable fee provision into Dodd-Frank, and going further, stipulated that any independent studies to determine such fees should specifically not take into consideration fees paid by appraisal management companies (AMCs), suggesting their acknowledgment that AMC fees are artificially low. The Interim… Read More

Behind Curtain at State Boards

Like most real estate appraisal boards, Florida’s Board publishes an annual summary of the cases it finalizes against its appraisers. Florida’s Real Estate Appraisal Board (FREAB) does not intend these summaries to be lengthy analyses of “what went wrong” or something law students might study for insight. They are merely summaries of the charges the… Read More

State Watch: Regulating AMCs

State Watch: Regulating AMCs By Mike Antoniak When the Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC) became law May 1, 2009 it had unintended but far-reaching consequences for professional appraisers. “The HVCC, and its perceived need for financial institutions to separate the origination and the appraisal ordering function to preserve appraiser independence, resulted in an explosion...… Read More

Power of Many: State Appraiser Coalitions

Trying to catch the ear of your state legislators? Consider joining a coalition of like-minded appraisers if your state has one; if none exists, start talking up the idea and get things rolling to launch a statewide coalition. “There’s strength in numbers,” observes residential appraiser Michael Brunson, president of the Coalition of Appraisers in Nevada (CAN)… Read More

Fed Board Update: Customary and Reasonable Fees

As implementation of Dodd-Frank takes effect, the Federal Reserve Board shed light regarding the implementation of the customary and reasonable fee provision of the legislation. The Federal Reserve Board, tasked with implementing the landmark Dodd-Frank Financial Reform legislation passed last year, laid out its guidance in the “Interim Final Rule” (IFR) published in October 2010 (find… Read More

Three Minute Marketing

Editor’s Note: This following marketing advice works, according to appraisers and home inspectors. Appraisers Good advice is to go after clients who really need your services and who are truly depending on your work product. Create a professional image and work product: website, business cards. Pay attention to how you present yourself- create and polish a 30-second… Read More