Real Estate Appraiser Independence

DOJ vs. Appraiser and Rocket Mortgage

> True Footage > AMC Resource Guide > OREP E&O ★★★★★ “They are knowledgeable, professional, and understand urgency.” – Joe Thweatt DOJ vs. Appraiser and Rocket Mortgage by Isaac Peck, Publisher As many appraisers are aware, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has received nearly 300 discrimination-related complaints filed against appraisers in the… Read More

“Low Bid” Appraisal Ordering and Its Effect on Quality

“Low Bid” Appraisal Ordering and Its Effect on Quality

by Isaac Peck, Associate Editor   Any appraiser who has worked with Appraisal Management Companies (AMCs) is likely familiar with the “order by email-blast” system that some AMCs rely on to fill orders. The process goes like this: an AMC sends an email blast to all appraisers within a… Read More