Inspecting On a Rainy Day
In many places this winter there’s more rain then snow – at least so far. Do you inspect on a rainy day? In case you’re wondering, most inspectors we talk to do not slow down when it rains – in fact many assert there are items they can see far better on a rainy day-such as leaking roof, gutters or downspouts.
Of course, there are times when a roof is inaccessible due to rain- such as wood shingle or shake. Most inspectors will not walk a roof that has snow on it. (It’s import to disclaim that you didn’t see the shingle– report what you see and what you can not.)
“Inspecting the attic will tell you volumes about the flashings. Also, we are in a high expansive clay soil content area (Duncanville, Texas) so knowing where and how water ponds or collects is important– this is easily detected during a nice rain,” said Richard Rushing. “I like the rain. Dress right and use a voice recorder and you’ll be ok.”
Here’s the gear to keep you working: Rain suit- jacket, pants and rubber quarter boots. And an umbrella helps too.