Low E&O Rates & Great Service

Low E&O Rates & Great Service…and Yes, We Answer the Phone

Appraisers/Agents E&O Min. Prem. $483
Inspectors E&O Min. Prem. $1,250

Golden Rule
Our mission at OREP is to be the best insurance resource for real estate professionals; to follow the Golden Rule by treating all who contact us for help as we would expect to be treated: with honesty, courtesy and efficiency.

This is David Brauner, Senior Broker at OREP. Call us today to see what you’re missing: great service, complete coverages, competitive premiums. Yes, you can have it all. Call us today: (888) 347-5273, www.orep.org

info@orep.org. When you call us, we answer the phone.

“I am so pleased with your service and thoroughness. Thank you very much for being so responsible with our money and our E&O insurance. Although I have never had a claim, my confidence level in this process has increased. It is no surprise that several appraisers recommended your company to me. GREAT JOB!” —Appraiser, Richmond, VA


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