SEEC Continuing Education - Green Appraising CE




SEEC Continuing Education

Appraising Energy Efficiency in New Homes and Retrofits 3.5 Webinar (Approved CE- WA, OR, ID, HI, NV, CO – additional states being added monthly)
The Appraisal Practices Board of The Appraisal Foundation issued its first guidance in late 2013 on Valuation of Green Buildings: Background and Core Competency, stating “the timely response by appraisers to changing market fundamentals is one of the most basic expectations of users of appraisal services.”  With market share nationally for green single family homes estimated to rise to between 29%-38% by 2016, you can be ahead of the curve and learn how to recognize and treat this growing influencer in your local market.  Further, a recent report by the Institute for Market Transformation, Home Energy Efficiency and Mortgage Risks, found that the risk of mortgage default by home owners is one third lower for ENERGY STAR labeled homes.  This 3.5 hour webinar gives the appraiser national and local context and content regarding energy efficiency in new home and retrofits, providing them with a visual tour of energy efficient features and measures and an understanding of the role of energy performance labels and audits, while combining the latest thinking on capitalization and secondary evidence to support adjustments.  OREP Members/Affiliates enjoy a 15% discount. Please contact for your discount code.

List of Live Webinars and Classes

Date: July 29, 2014
Training: Appraising Energy Efficiency in new homes and retrofits 3.5 hrs
CE Credit State: CO
Registration link:


Date: September 11, 2014
Training: Appraising Energy Efficiency in new homes and retrofits 3.5 hrs
CE Credit States: WA, OR & ID
Registration link:


LIVE CLASS – Date: September 19, 2014
Training: Green Home Trends and Appraisal Methodologies 7 hrs
CE Credit State: CO
Location: Pendleton, OR

LIVE CLASS – Date: October 1, 2014
Training: Green Home Trends and Appraisal Methodologies – 7 hrs
CE Credit State: MT
Location: Missoula, MT


LIVE CLASS – Date: October 2, 2014
Training: Green Home Trends and Appraisal Methodologies – 7 hrs
CE Credit State: MT
Location: Helena, MT


WEBINAR: Date: October 8, 2014
Training: Appraising Energy Efficiency in new homes and retrofits 3.5 hrs
CE Credit State: AL
Registration link: (pending approval)


WEBINAR: Date: October 22, 2014
Training: Appraising Energy Efficiency in new homes and retrofits 3.5 hrs
CE Credit State: NV
Registration link:
OREP Members/Affiliates enjoy a 15% discount. Please contact for your discount code.


Comments (2)

  1. Can a broker assist an appraiser on a green home assignment and stay out of trouble?  Not only is the answer yes, but if brokers want to see the value for green homes being recognized, they need to know specifically the information relevant to appraisers on assignment and how to package that information.  Green features fall across a broad spectrum of qualitative and quantitative value.  Brokers will learn what’s important to an appraiser against the general background of the principles and concepts of appraising, identifying green features from the marketing and appraisal perspectives.  Appraisers attending this course will increase their knowledge in the quantitative aspects of green as well as benefit from the dialogue between these two professional groups.

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