
Moisture & Mold: Steering Clear of Liability

The presence of mold is a contentious issue for building owners, builders, insurance companies, real estate agents and others. Mold addendums to sales contracts are now offered by many real estate boards for use by their members in sales transactions. As a professional appraiser or inspector you need to understand mold and all its… Read More

Understanding Your Market

Editor’s note: Expert knowledge of your local market is key to expanding your practice into consulting and review assignments. Many banks and national appraisal firms employ “sub-contracted” independent appraisers for administrative reviews. According to the author, knowing your local market will helps you understand potential factors affecting future sales prices, instead of relying entirely on historic sales. Understanding...… Read More

Live and Learn: Complaints, Errors, Actions

Live and Learn Complaints, Errors, Actions Blue Grass Missteps Larry Disney, Executive Director, Kentucky Real Estate Appraisers Board says that approximately 95 percent of all Kentucky complaints are real property appraisal assignments of one-four unit properties. He says the reasons for complaints vary but the most frequent violations are one of the following. * Not...… Read More

Leveraging AVM Technology: From Form-Filling to “Collateral Valuation”

Leveraging AVM Technology From Form-Filling to “Collateral Valuation” By: Darius Bozorgi & Jeff Bradford What business are you in? It’s a question that ice manufacturers should have asked themselves as the refrigeration business advanced with the invention of the refrigerator and they lost business. Or railroad tycoons pondered as the transportation business evolved from the...… Read More