
Non-Permitted Buildings

A common issue in residential appraising is construction which has not been issued an appropriate building permit by the jurisdictional authority. Here’s how to handle this sometimes difficult situation. Examples of this issue include: additions and detached guesthouses; and garages that have been modified for use as a living area. One needs only to peruse online… Read More

Decoding Customary and Reasonable Fees

Congress, recognizing that quality reports are dependent on paying appraisers “fairly,” wrote a customary and reasonable fee provision into Dodd-Frank, and going further, stipulated that any independent studies to determine such fees should specifically not take into consideration fees paid by appraisal management companies (AMCs), suggesting their acknowledgment that AMC fees are artificially low. The Interim… Read More

Behind Curtain at State Boards

Like most real estate appraisal boards, Florida’s Board publishes an annual summary of the cases it finalizes against its appraisers. Florida’s Real Estate Appraisal Board (FREAB) does not intend these summaries to be lengthy analyses of “what went wrong” or something law students might study for insight. They are merely summaries of the charges the… Read More

State Watch: Regulating AMCs

State Watch: Regulating AMCs By Mike Antoniak When the Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC) became law May 1, 2009 it had unintended but far-reaching consequences for professional appraisers. “The HVCC, and its perceived need for financial institutions to separate the origination and the appraisal ordering function to preserve appraiser independence, resulted in an explosion...… Read More