Question: Mr. Spool: I read your article (How to Increase Residential Appraisal Income) and it was very informative. I have been marketing to agents but your article gave me the great idea to offer free classes as another marketing tool. I was wondering if you could share information as to what your classes entail. I…
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Editor’s Note: The bankruptcy earlier this year of the appraisal management company (AMC) ESA left millions in unpaid fees to appraisers, agents and brokers, who now are trying to collect from Chase, the bank who hired the AMC. What happens will have far-reaching effects on the appraiser-AMC relationship and the industry. Chase Denies Responsibility for…
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The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act includes a section referred to as the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act in Title XIV. The appraisal activities provisions are located within Subtitle F, which includes the following highlights:
Sub prime mortgages will require written appraisal reports by state-licensed appraisers, including an…
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When it comes to fair fees, if you’re waiting for government help, you may be waiting a long time. The issue over customary and reasonable fees (CRF) for appraisers under Dodd-Frank is far from settled. For now, when it comes to earning fair fees, you may be your own best friend.
As most know by now,…
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Congress, recognizing that quality reports are dependent on paying appraisers “fairly,” wrote a customary and reasonable fee provision into Dodd-Frank, and going further, stipulated that any independent studies to determine such fees should specifically not take into consideration fees paid by appraisal management companies (AMCs), suggesting their acknowledgment that AMC fees are artificially low.
The Interim…
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As implementation of Dodd-Frank takes effect, the Federal Reserve Board shed light regarding the implementation of the customary and reasonable fee provision of the legislation.
The Federal Reserve Board, tasked with implementing the landmark Dodd-Frank Financial Reform legislation passed last year, laid out its guidance in the “Interim Final Rule” (IFR) published in October 2010 (find…
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To most appraisers this story is familiar: “I have been working with an AMC who shall remain nameless,” says Vrej Avedissian. “Having accepted a few assignments from them and dealing with their constant emails and phone calls regarding the status of each report, which borders on harassment, when it comes time to pay, it is…
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When are requests for additional comps and other items a legitimate part of underwriting and when are they a not-so-subtle attempt to influence value? That is a question many appraisers are asking lately. At stake are many things, including whether consumers are really better off after all.
The Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC), with its…
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You receive a call from a lender or an appraisal management company (AMC) who wants to talk to you about an appraisal assignment you recently completed for them. The call usually comes from the quality control department at the post closing stage of the loan. They start questioning you on your line item adjustments. …
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Editor’s Note: Lawmakers got an ear full from appraisers at a June hearing in Washington. D.C. This time, it appears Congress is listening. Appraisers Talk, Congress Listens by David Brauner and Isaac Peck After the Congressional hearing in June, rest assured that Capitol Hill is well aware of appraisal industry issues, including customary and reasonable...…
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