In business, with every change comes opportunity: the radical changes expected to hit this industry may mean new opportunities for appraisers.
On the minds of many fee appraisers this fall is how the new Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC) will affect their businesses. The agreement between the New York Attorney General’s office and Fannie Mae/Freddie…
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Fannie Mae has introduced the addendum 1004MC and is requiring its use beginning April 1, 2009 (view the form at It is a worksheet to help appraisers perform a market conditions analysis (MCA). By the time this hits your desk you should have begun the process of becoming familiar with it. Here…
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FHA, Fannie/Freddie Tell it Like it Is (to them) by David Brauner, Editor The appraiser Valuation 2009 conference in New Orleans in November offered unprecedented access to key regulators, AMCs and other decision makers regarding the future of the appraisal industry- that’s the good news. The bad news is that you may not like what…
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Editor’s Note: Appraisers and Home Inspectors are catching the energy-auditing wave- diversifying and adding to their bottom lines. Shining Light on Energy Auditing by David Brauner, Editor As environmental concerns among Americans reach a tipping point- saving our planet, becoming energy independent, saving money on the soaring cost of energy- appraisers, inspectors and others are...…
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This article is about common mistakes in appraisal reports, whether the appraisal is for a mortgage transaction or other intended use. Most mistakes are not violations of USPAP but errors caused by a lack of common sense, trying to satisfy a client or not following Fannie Mae guidelines.
After reviewing countless appraisal reports, I noticed a…
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Given the fierce efforts to keep HVCC alive, it makes you wonder if AMC interests know something the rest of us don’t.
As federal legislation that would end the Home Valuation Code of Conduct (HVCC) moves closer to reality, appraisal management company (AMC) interests are blitzing the media with their message that overturning HVCC means a…
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Editor’s Note: Lawmakers got an ear full from appraisers at a June hearing in Washington. D.C. This time, it appears Congress is listening. Appraisers Talk, Congress Listens by David Brauner and Isaac Peck After the Congressional hearing in June, rest assured that Capitol Hill is well aware of appraisal industry issues, including customary and reasonable...…
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Editor’s Note: In this opinion piece, appraiser Andy Anderson expresses what many of his colleagues are thinking about the upcoming UMDP requirements. UMDP/UAD: Road to Ruin? By Andy Anderson The Uniform Mortgage Data Program (UMDP) is mandated by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (GSEs) under the direction of their federal regulator, the Federal Housing Finance…
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Report and Analysis: Readers Respond (Read Article) What Appraisers Say >> “Mr. Kantorovich (quoted in the first story) is accurate in his assessment of the Cuomo deal. Pressure on appraisers will not be eliminated but shifted from the brokers to the AMCs. Quality will suffer further as AMCs require an eight-hour turnaround time and they preset…
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Report and Analysis: Fannie/Freddie, Cuomo Agree to Appraiser Independence By David Brauner, Editor For appraisers, March came in like a lion. As winter turns to spring, appraisers have much to look forward to, as reported in the current issue of Working RE- Turning Tide? Appraiser Independence. Even with the shift to quality in the market…
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