Home Inspectors

Low E&O Rates & Great Service

Low E&O Rates & Great Service…and Yes, We Answer the Phone Appraisers/Agents E&O Min. Prem. $483 Inspectors E&O Min. Prem. $1,250 Golden Rule Our mission at OREP is to be the best insurance resource for real estate professionals; to follow the Golden Rule by treating all who contact us for help as we would expect… Read More

Marketing for Home Inspectors

Marketing for Home Inspectors Complied by Cary Barker, Assit. Editor Whether you are new to the industry or consider yourself a pro, everyone can use help getting his/her name in front of clients. Networking “Try open houses. You might connect with a Realtor who may use you. You may also meet the homeowner and get… Read More

Diversifying with Environmental Reports

Diversifying with Environmental Reports By Benjamin V. Cesare Home buyers today have more questions to ask than ever before—and they frequently turn to their home inspector for answers that will help them make a good decision for themselves and their family. Today’s savvy home buyer wants complete information about the properties they are considering —… Read More

Rose is a Rose

Rose is a Rose Inspecting AND Writing You wouldn’t expect home inspectors to be discussing the fine points of misplaced modifiers or use of the passive voice when sharing report writing tips, but this is exactly the advice veterans gave to a newbie inspector asking for report writing do’s and don’ts, recently on a home… Read More

Home Inspectors: Report Writing 101

Home Inspectors: Report Writing 101 By: Alan Carson, Carson Dunlop Introduction We all like inspecting houses. It’s fun and challenging and we are really good at seeing things that mere mortals can’t. The “show and tell” with clients is rewarding, and the appreciation they feel at the end of the process gives us real job… Read More

Inspecting Your E&O Insurance

Home Inspectors: Inspecting Your E&O Insurance by David Brauner, Senior Broker, OREP Here’s a riddle that more and more inspectors are solving easily: how do you obtain errors and omissions insurance (E&O) and General Liability Insurance from an “A” Rated, Admitted carrier including an Additional Insured Endorsement for Agents and other Referring Parties, Termite and… Read More