news editions

Low Bid Appraisal: AMC Rebuttal

You may be interested to hear what (at least one) Appraisal Management Company (AMC) thinks about the effect of low-bid appraisal ordering on quality, the topic of last issue’s News Edition (Low Bid Appraisal Ordering and Its Effect on Quality). Read More

Conversation with Fannie Mae

Robert Murphy, Director, Property Valuation & Eligibility at Fannie Mae, says appraisers are being held to a higher standard these days, thanks to the Uniform Mortgage Data Program and Uniform Appraisal Dataset, better known as UAD.  Here’s what you should know.   Read More

Why Value is Not an Exact Number

Editor’s Note: Here is some food for thought from regular contributor and Mobile Appraising Training Package author, Dustin Harris. His suggestion makes sense from a valuation perspective and also might release some of the pressure on appraisers to “hit the number.” The OREP/WRE Appraiser Independence Survey has over 1,000 respondents and hundreds of comments. We… Read More