Best Defense: Signed, Sealed, Delivered – Your Contract By Kris Thompson, Esq. Having a signature from a customer on your home inspection contract can greatly increase your ability to defend yourself if you are sued. In question and answer sessions, at round table discussions, and during consultations with home inspector clients, inspectors bring up the…
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Risk Management Loss Prevention Checklist The following steps have proven effective at avoiding complaints and lowering the liability of home inspectors. Two points emerge: First, according to risk management experts, loss prevention is as much about communication as it is about understanding the systems of a building. They stress that expert knowledge is vital but…
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Editor’s Note: Here is the second in an ongoing series of risk management strategies from Alan Carson designed to help inspectors insulate themselves from liability. This installment examines the value of a good contract and the importance of establishing realistic expectations in the mind of your client. Inspecting Your Contract By Alan Carson Many believe...…
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