Director’s Message HVCC Ruinous for Many Between our Appraiser Talkback Blog and Survey we received nearly 1,000 individual comments from appraisers regarding the negative effects HVCC is having on their businesses and on the profession in the first 30 days since the Code’s implementation. Many say the new rules will likely put them out of…
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Legislation to regulate appraiser management companies (AMCs) has been signed into law in three states (UT, AR, NM) as of this writing and is being considered in many others. Appraiser “independence” legislation also has passed in a number of states this year.
At the federal level, the Mortgage Reform and Anti-Predatory Lending Act of…
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Editor’s Note: As we are learning- appraisal reports are being sliced, diced and in some cases, plundered. This new solution promises to secure your reports and preserve your identity.
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