Richard Hagar’s Fannie Mae Two-Part Webinar Series

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Two Part Webinar Series with Richard Hagar, SRA

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     “I took the Blacklisting webinar today and was not prepared for that information. I just took 28 hours of education the past 2 months, several of which were courses on the latest issues, the newest UAD developments, etc. None of the courses mentioned any of this. This is going to turn this profession upside down, and I bet a lot of appraisers will quit when they start having problems. That webinar on blacklisting this morning is the biggest surprise I’ve had in a long time. It’s very disturbing.” -V. Rose

Part 1: Keeping Off Fannie Mae’s New Appraiser “Black List” – UPDATED

“Richard did a very good job as usual.” – Jo Ann Meyer Stratton,  IFA,  SRA

Presented by: Richard Hagar, SRA
On Demand Webinar – Watch at Your Convenience


Fannie Mae’s new Appraiser Quality Monitoring system (AQM) will “black list” appraisers who “break the rules.” Hagar starts with an overview of the new AQM system and then dives into the details by answering your most often asked questions on what the system is looking for, how it will work and, how appraisers will know if they are on the “Watch” or “Black List.”

Today’s AQM system, with its “Fatal Warnings” and “Critical Messages” takes a step beyond simple reporting by notifying lenders that reports from certain appraisers can no longer be submitted to the GSEs (the black list).  For the most part, once you are on the list, you can no longer perform work for the Nation’s 15,000-20,000 lenders; you are out of business.

This Webinar untangles the new rules, shows how the system operates, what is reported to lenders and what it takes to get an appraiser on the “do not use” list. Hagar provides an easy-to-understand checklist of “dos” and “don’ts” and discusses the very latest intel on the specific mistakes Fannie is most concerned about and how to avoid them.

This 75 minute class will answer:

  • What sort of problems are the GSEs looking for?
  • How will I know if I’m on the black list?
  • Will the appraiser be notified of problems with their appraisals?
  • What will get me on the list and how do I avoid it?
  • How will lenders know if an appraiser is banned from supplying appraisals?
  • How do I get off the list once I’m on it?


Part 2: Fannie Mae’s AQM and How to Stay Out of Trouble

Presented by: Richard Hagar, SRA
On Demand Webinar – Watch at Your Convenience

Richard Hagar, SRA, national authority on lending and appraisal guidelines, noted educator and owner of a busy appraisal office, shows appraisers what will get you in serious trouble with Fannie and what won’t.

The UAD requirements are now part of the new AQM system.  There are ten areas on an appraisal that are of major concern to every lender…..and Fannie Mae.  By knowing these “areas of concern” appraisers can avoid problems – before there is a hard stop and failed appraisal notice issued to their client.

There are also more than 24 specific “Critical Warnings” or “Hard Stops” that will indicate a failed appraisal.  Hagar will provide a list of these issues and an explanation that every appraiser must know of if they want to stay in business.

• Quality and Condition Issues
• Dynamic Quality or Condition Ratings?
• Failure to Analyze Prior Sales
• Neighborhood boundaries
• Market condition details

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