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February 16, 2011   Vol. 217

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Editor’s Note: Appraiser Mike Brunson explains how serving clients best often means giving them what they need, not always what they want. This story is reprinted from the current edition of Working RE magazine, now in the mail to over 80,000 appraisers. Also note that the OREP/Working RE Customary and Reasonable Fee Survey recently surpassed the 10,000 participant threshold and is still growing fast! To add your fee data or to check what others in your area are doing,


Growing Business: Giving Clients What They Need
By Mike Brunson

In this period of economic and social change, clients are looking for professional appraisers to answer questions that until now have not been asked.  Price and timing are the hot-button issues. While many appraisers are raging against the downward pressure on fees and the increased pressure for faster turn times, I have instead begun to offer my clients an alternative service.  Here’s how.


I have several clients who order valuations for internal asset management. The client typically holds paper on a non-performing loan and needs to determine the best course of action.  While bidding a recent land assignment, the client noted that my bids were coming back much higher than they expected. The client wanted to know why this assignment warranted a fee that was so much higher than what they desired/expected to pay. 

(story continues below)


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As we discussed the complexity of the assignment and some potential reductions in scope of work, they said, “We don’t really care how much this thing is worth specifically, we just need to know if it is worth more than $x.”  It turns out that the client is in second position behind a sizeable first.  They suspected that there was little or no equity in the asset but needed an appraisal in the file.  The client was requesting bids for a “full appraisal” because that is what they were accustomed to ordering.  However, they had no need for the detailed analysis of a traditional “complete” appraisal that provides a specific value reported in summary format. 


Here was an opportunity to serve a good client by giving them what they need instead of what they ask for.  At the same time, it provides an opportunity to expand my options with this client regarding the services that I can provide as a professional appraiser.  I explained that by definition, an appraisal can be expressed as a “specific amount, as a range of numbers, or as a relationship (e.g., not more than, not less than) to a previous value opinion or numerical benchmark (e.g., assessed value, collateral value).”  In this case, the amount of the first trust deed would serve as the benchmark. 

We also discussed the question they were asking: “Is the property worth more or less than $x?”  The client agreed that the majority of a traditional appraisal was extraneous to the question. I also explained that despite the negative connotation of the term “restricted,” in this case, a restricted-use appraisal report is acceptable for the intended use and intended user of this assignment. Honestly, my client was hesitant because, like most clients and many appraisers, they are not familiar with the concept of a limited scope, restricted-use assignment. 


(story continues below) 


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(story continues)

I spent some additional time and eventually went in to their office to discuss this and future assignments with a similar intended use. Ultimately the client agreed that a restricted-use appraisal report with a limited scope of work is appropriate for their needs.  The next day, I delivered a two-page narrative appraisal (plus a certification page and a few client specific documents) using the amount of the first trust deed as a benchmark for the valuation. After completing my research and analysis, I concluded that the subject market value was less than the defined benchmark.  I wrote the narrative report from scratch in less than 30 minutes.  Not including the time I spent visiting the client (which I consider marketing) I completed the assignment in about 2.5 hours. The $250 fee for this appraisal is well within the client’s expected range.

Since my conversation with this client a few months ago, I have completed six of these assignments for five different clients.  This may not seem like much but four of those clients are banks that have increased their volume of traditional appraisals over that same period of time.  Lending clients are still hesitant about the product because it is “different.”  I have had dozens of conversations about the benchmark assignments that were ultimately ordered as full appraisals.

(story continues below) 


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(story continues)


Individual Investors

I have also completed similar, limited-scope, benchmark appraisal assignments for individual investors and homeowners. One particular client was applying for financial aid for one of his children to attend college and needed to know whether or not to list several investment properties as assets. They contacted me asking for a discount because they were “pretty sure the houses were worth less than they owed.”  Again, I explained that if the question that they really need answered is, “Is the house worth more or less than I currently owe?” than a limited-scope, benchmark appraisal assignment is cost-effective and timely. 


I am currently negotiating with several other bank and portfolio management clients to provide this type of valuation service.  In truth, the reaction has been mixed. Homeowners and investors love the idea of asking a specific question and getting a timely and reasonably-priced answer from a Certified appraiser without all of the “fluff.”  Most institutional clients seem to have difficulty getting passed the “but this is not what we are used to getting” mentality.  However, I believe this will change as new and different alternative valuation products come into the market and are recognized by primary and secondary market participants. 

Ultimately I have a group of clients, and this one in particular, who recognize me as a true professional and call on me more often than they used to. This is the type of proactive thinking that will differentiate me and my company from other appraisers in my market.  


About the Author

Michael Brunson is a Certified Residential Appraiser in Nevada. He is a graduate of University of Nevada at Las Vegas with a B.A. in Psychology. Brunson is an AQB-Certified USPAP Instructor. In addition to teaching USPAP classes, he provides USPAP Consultation to private clients, attorneys and practicing appraisers. Since 1997 he has held the position of Owner and Chief Appraiser for Ascent Appraisal, Inc., an independent real estate valuation and consulting firm specializing in complex valuation assignments; USPAP compliance reviews; and expert witness/litigation support. Brunson is an Associate Member of the Appraisal Institute; a general member of the IRWA; a founding member and the interim Vice-President of the National Association of Appraisers (NAA); a founding member of and the current president and chair of the Government Relations Committee for the Coalition of Appraisers in Nevada (CAN).  He also serves on the Nevada Real Estate Division Appraisal Advisory Review Committee. In 2009, Brunson chaired the CAN Government Relations Committee that sponsored the successful passage of AB 287 – Nevada’s Appraisal Independence and AMC Registration bill.


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